The Remnant & the Rich Root

After the return from the Babylonian captivity, the priesthood formed the center of the new religious life, and the pious in Israel who were anxious to practice the commandments of the Lord naturally attached themselves to the divinely - appointed and the time-honored tribe of Levi. The Jews who followed the high priest even when he contradicted the Torah became known as Sadducees. Those committed to following the Torah refused to follow the high priest and became known as the Pharisees (dissenters). The new method of Torah interpretation, called “Derush,” meant that oral tradition would be enforced and binding on all, just as the written Torah had been. This was the religious and political environment at the time the Messiah appeared. At the same time, the high priest stopped being from the lineage of Zadok. The remaining priests of Zadok formed a community in Qumran, located northwest of the Dead Sea. They were known as the Essenes, and their community is likened to the early Chris...