The End Times & a Pretribulational Rapture

The disciples of the apostles would be a good place to start in determining an accurate eschatology (events concerning the end of the world). These early church fathers taught premillennialism that the Church's Rapture would occur before a literal 1,000-year reign of Christ known as the Kingdom Age or Millennium. Christ will reign from the city of Jerusalem, preceded by a seven-year period during which the Antichrist will rule the earth. During these last days, the Jews will rebuild their temple in Jerusalem. A movement occurred during the third century (200-300 AD) arguing that much of the end times teachings were symbolic, brought on by the Schism of Nepos and causing the whole Church to become amillennial. This period was in the middle of the Church determining the canon of the New Testament, namely which writings would be considered inspired by God. This schism centered on questioning the literal interpretation of the book of Revelation, particularly the 1,000 years of Reve...