A Galilean Wedding

It is no coincidence that Jesus’s first miracle was performed at a Galilean (Cana) wedding. The wedding was the most important event taking place in the Galilean villages of Jesus’s day since it was to be celebrated by all. The entire church age as defined by the new covenant established by Jesus at His first coming is predicated on the traditional wedding feast of the first century. By examining the elements of this wedding, the believer in Christ can begin to appreciate the sanctity of the relationship with Christ, His completed work and His promises. The wedding began with a betrothal. The father of the bridegroom would select a bride for his son and a marriage covenant would be obtained. The father of the bride and bridegroom would meet and agree upon a dowry, intended to be given by the bridegroom to the bride as consideration in case the bridegroom were to abandon the bride by divorce or death. The bridegroom would select a ring and take a cup of wine and offer them to the brid...