Learning How to Follow

The story of the Bible is the history of God leading His people through the wilderness. The clearest illustration of this is found in the books of Moses and the records of the Hebrew nation and their road to the promised land. It proved to each of God’s people that He would be their leader in the wilderness through Moses, as Psalm 77:20 says, “ You led Your people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron .” Once God brought His people through the Red Sea and guided them to Mount Sinai, He defined for them a new relationship with Him through the Torah, His laws. Paul tells us in Galatians 3:23-24 that, “ we were kept in custody under the law ”, the law becoming a tutor (one who leads children) to lead us to Christ. God’s plan was that He would be with them, His presence going before them as a pillar of cloud by day and fire by night. His presence would reside in the middle of all religious activities as the Ark of the Covenant to remind them of His holiness. Ultimately, the Father ...